Exploring Campbells Creek and the Southern Fringes of Castlemaine

Wednesday 12 June 2024, 10 km easy walk, 9.30am to 1.00pm

This ten kilometre loop walk is offered by Great Dividing Trail Association in collaboration with Castlemaine Maryborough Rail Trail Inc. It explores the diverse southern fringes of Castlemaine towards Campbells Creek, starting and finishing where the Rail Trail will start on the Gingell St (Western) side of the 160-year-old Castlemaine Railway Station and returning via the Great Dividing Trail. From the station we pass through Camp Reserve under huge elm trees, and follow Barkers Creek and Campbells Creek for the full length of the Campbells Creek trail. The trail crosses flood plains covered with native vegetation. You will be surprised by how remote it feels from the urban edge of Castlemaine.

We emerge from the creek at Campbells Creek Reserve (there are toilets here) and make our way through residential streets to Ajax Lane. During this part of the walk you can admire houses built during the second half of the 1800s during the gold rush era as well as more contemporary housing. Ajax Lane is an unmade vehicle track which takes us gently uphill through bushland typical of this region until we meet the GDTA’s Dry Diggings Track (The Goldfields Track) with good views above the town of Castlemaine. We follow the Track route downhill into the centre of Castlemaine, with a wide choice of cafes, restaurants and pubs for those inclined to linger at the end of the walk. From the central part of Castlemaine it’s a short walk back to the Castlemaine Railway Station.

Prior registration is essential via this link https://www.gdt.org.au/events/cmrt-gdt-rail-walk Numbers are limited. Participants who are non-GDTA members will bring $5 cash on the day to cover insurance as GDTA guests. Dress for the predicted weather, bring your own drinks, snacks, morning tea and first aid kit.

More information via Barry Golding: b.golding@federation.edu.au 0427216337 for GDTA, or Steve Foskey: steve@cmrailtrail.org.au 0401107857 Community Engagement & Events, CMRT Inc.