11 March 2022

With that fresh nip in the morning air and the leaves turning, we’re launching our Autumn volunteer campaign.

There’s lots of ways you can make a difference and help get your trail built sooner. We’ve got several project volunteer roles open, and one that probably suits you. 

TYou’ll be joining an imaginative, energetic and organised crew. You’ll meet other interesting people, make an impact, and  have some fun along the way.

Want to deploy your talents and just a slice of your time to make a difference? Got as little as a few hours a month to spare? Then consider one of these CMRT volunteer roles. All we ask is that you already be, or be willing to join CMRT as, a member, and you’re OK being clear about what you can commit.

Don’t see something below that tickles your fancy? But still want to help? Reach out to us anyway! We’ll help find you something.

Drop us an email at We’d love to hear from you. 


e-Newsletter editor x 1. Manage our vibrant and informative bi-monthly e-Newsletter that reaches more than 400 people. You’ll probably have a background in writing, editorial or PR. You’ll have worked with the MailChimp platform or be willing to learn.

Website publisher x 1. Manage a website story from go to whoa. Draft the story and find a photo – or commission them from one of our volunteers-at-large, and manage the layout. You’ll probably have worked in a writing or marketing communications role and ideally be familiar with content management systems (CMS) e.g. WordPress. 

Network Architect and Support x 1. You’ll be a natural at wrangling cloud software apps into a coherent set of services that allow people to get on and collaborate and communicate. Mostly project-based to help us get started, but some ongoing if you like.

Community Ambassador (Carisbrook) x 1.  Our Community Ambassadors are glue players. You complete us. You’ll understand your community, want to meet others and be inspired to take the trail message to where it needs to be found. Make it yours!

Story-teller x 1. You’ll have an eye or ear for a local story. A local “hero” or event worth profiling? A story untold? You’ll know where to find them. You’ll be handy with words, and okay gathering a still shot or a 15-second video clip . Maybe you’re a bar fly, like meeting people or a a budding reporter. We wanna hear your stories. Combo the role as one of our Community Ambassadors?

Events coordinator x 2. Help us deliver fun and well-organised public events. Stalls, launch events, trivia quizzes and member evenings. You’ll enjoy the bustle of getting things done and meeting new people. Fun and logistics are in your blood.

Donor manager x 1. Put your name to our next big fundraising campaign. Build on love from the $20,000+ we raised from our wonderful community this Autumn. You’ll have a knack for money, and love showing thanks to our 100+ donors for their generosity.

Committee members x 2. Boost our core. Improve our acumen and networks. Lift our decision-making. You might have experience in community advocacy, marketing, government relations, engineering, law, IT, finance, or something we haven’t thought of.


Deb Macer – Volunteer ambassador. Keep the up the care and esprit de corps among our amazing volunteer crew. Help them get focussed so they can do their best. You’ll enjoy working with people, have good EQ, and be organised. You might even have some HR experience.

Garis Alexander – Data wrangler. What we call those awesome Jedi who miraculously keep names, dates and numbers neat and tidy in spreadsheets and databases. Help us manage our member, supporter, donor and volunteer data, and develop a CRM.

Ken Stewart – Community Ambassador (Chewton).  Our Community Ambassadors are glue players. You complete us. You’ll understand your community, want to meet others and be inspired to take the trail message to where it needs to be found. Make it yours!

Greg James – Story-teller. You’ll have an eye or ear for a local story. A local “hero” or event worth profiling? A story untold? You’ll know where to find them. You’ll be handy with words, and okay gathering a still shot or a 15-second video clip . Maybe you’re a bar fly, like meeting people or a a budding reporter. We wanna hear your stories.

Robin Murdoch – Committee minutes secretary. Help keep our Committee up-to-date by preparing a tight agenda and crisp minutes. It’s a role you need only do bi-monthly. You’ll have taken minutes before and like keeping things organised.

Lucy Foskey – Social media manager. Manage our Facebook channel and help us launch Instagram. Work alongside our marketing comms team. You’ll be a social media native, think in pictures and words, and be curious about what builds engagement online.

Steve Harrisson, Dannielle Orr, Greg JamesInterpretative Signage Project. What’s in a name? A lot, we reckon. Stories and names have a lot of power. Which is why we’re thinking already about “storytelling” well before our trail even starts construction.

Paul van der WalCommunity Engagement and events. This is where the magic happens. When we bring events and experience to communities. The chance to provide connections. You’ll be excited to bring our message to our towns and even the trail corridor.

David Tuck – Researcher and can-do wrangler. Whoa, that’s a spicy combo! Proof that we love diversity. You’ll have a background in information research, but you’ll be equally keen to get into the outdoors, like at events, and get things done. You’re special cat!