CMRT values the big commitment in time and talent made by its volunteers. CMRT’s volunteers
serve in different roles and some in more than one. We are grateful.
The primary purpose of this Volunteer Agreement is to ensure that CMRT and its volunteers understand what to expect from each other.
Its second purpose is to make clear that you are obliged to respect and protect confidential information you may be given access to regarding CMRT members and stakeholders.
- Respect for the people, the communities and the organisations we work with
- Excel with teamwork and honour boundaries
- Act ethically and with integrity
- Be reliable in our conduct and delivery
- Take responsibility for our decisions and actions
- Look after one another
You are a volunteer, and our duty is to provide you with:
- Description of your role and the expectations that go along with it
- Information about your role and the opportunity for you to ask questions about your role, your duties and you
- Proper orientation in your role, and training if you need it
- Clear supervision in carrying out your role and support when you need it
- Regular feedback on how you are doing in your role
- Recognition as a valued volunteer
- Volunteer insurance cover while you are undertaking tasks for CMRT
- Safe work environment where you are treated with respect and integrity
- Reimbursement for agreed out-of-pocket expenses
- Freedom of choice about your work including reasonably refusing to undertake tasks
- Time-off for breaks, short or long
- Digital downtime outside your volunteer working hours
- Access to the CMRT information, tools and policies you need to undertake your role
Your responsibilities as a volunteer to us are to:
- Agree to your volunteer role that you negotiate with CMRT
- carry out the duties in your role description, and undertake training where it is appropriate
- Accept responsibility for your decisions, actions and behaviours and accept constructive feedback in good faith
- Support other team members and ask for support when you need it
- Respect the rights and privacy of others
- Look after your physical and emotional wellbeing and those you volunteer beside
- Formally notify CMRT of any potential hazards or dangerous situations
- Respect and protect confidential and private information including CMRT member data that you may be granted access to
- Acknowledge CMRT as the custodian of intellectual property (e.g. images, artwork, text or ideas) that you may create while volunteering for CMRT
- return to us all CMRT data and materials on the completion or cessation of your volunteer role