Reshaping our volunteer experience thanks to MASC

15 October, 2021

Dare to dream? You betcha. We do a lot of that here at CMRT1

This time we’re daring to imagine we can become an organisation-of-choice for talented and motivated volunteers from Maryborough to Castlemaine.

A program now underway with Volunteering Victoria, the state’s peak body for NFPs large and small, aims to help CMRT take the first step. Volunteering Victoria will deliver an benchmarked engagement survey to our 20 odd volunteers and then help facilitate a chat with them about how we can improve their volunteering experience with us.

The program is made possible by a $2,000 community grant from Mt Alexander Shire Council (MASC).

“It takes genuine foresight for a council to back a new untried community group” CMRT President and Volunteer lead John Carruthers said. ‘We’d been barely incorporated six months when MASC gave the nod to our volunteer program”.

“Since then, we say we’ve had a big impact in the community and with government, but in many ways our need to learn how to create a sustainable environment for our volunteers has never been more urgent.”

CMRT has successfully engaged many volunteers over the past year or so, but the organisation’s pace had been demanding and its processes were raw. Some volunteers had found that combination challenging, John said.

“We can do better and learn to create an environment where we have a high impact and develop those who want to help. Hopefully, this program will point the way.”

John said the Covid lockdown restrictions that had led to the cancellation of many regional events had denied some volunteers the opportunity to engage with the community.

Over the past 14 months CMRT has attracted volunteers from a range of backgrounds doing a spread of work ranging from community engagement to marketing and government liaison.

CMRT’s MASC-funded program with Volunteering Victoria begins in November.

If you’re interested in volunteering with CMRT please enquire here. And if you’re a CMRT volunteer wanting to know more about our engagement program lookout for our email later this month inviting you to a Q&A webinar.