
Castlemaine, population 7500, is situated on the confluence of Forrest Creek and Barkers Creek which join to form Campbells Creek.

Castlemaine will be at the eastern end of the future Castlemaine Maryborough Rail Trail, 56 km via the Trail from Maryborough. The Castlemaine Station is a stopping place  for V-line trains on the Melbourne Bendigo line.  The Castlemaine Maldon Railside Trail is an 18 km ride/walk, from Castlemaine, following  the Goldfields Tourist Railway Line; see

Castlemaine was built on the traditional lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung people, also known as the Jaara people. They were regarded by other tribes as being a superior people, not only because of their rich hunting grounds but because from their area came tachylite, a hard glassy volcanic stone valued for weapons and tools. Early Europeans described the Dja Dja Wurrung as a strong, physically well-developed people and not belligerent. The Jaara people have a rich culture and reverence for the land.

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