Update 9th September

The Central Goldfields Shire Council are now in Caretaker Mode due to the upcoming Shire Elections. As the result there will be no major planning decisions made in the near future. Furthermore the Shire is looking for a new CEO, this process is expected to continue into 2025.

There is a proposal to build a broiler (chicken meat) farm next to the rail corridor where our Rail Trail will run. Apart from the smell and look of this factory-style building, there will be a ‘bio-security zone’ declared around the broiler farm that could limit or stop use of about 1.5km of the Rail Trail across the Moolort Plains.

We invite you to lodge an objection to the broiler farm proposal with the Central Goldfields Shire Council. You can use Council’s process to object.  

To make an objection

Go to the Shires website for information about the broiler farm : https://www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/Planning-and-Building/Statutory-Planning/Advertised-Planning-Applications.

Application Number is: D022-23 3280 Pyrenees Highway, Carisbrook

You can object by email, or by printing an objection form (it has to be printed and scanned). Using email is simpler, let the council objection form guide what you write in the email. Information about objecting can be seen at: https://www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/Your-Services/Services/Planning-and-Building/Statutory-Planning/Objecting-to-a-Planning-Application

Send your email to: Mail@cgoldshire.vic.gov.au

Suggested points:
You need to show ‘material detriment’ for objections to carry weight: e.g – any restriction of access, or a nearby dump of dead chooks and chook manure can cause;

  • a loss of economics benefit —  the feasibility study shows that the trail once built will bring many jobs, a chook farm brings 6 or less.
  • a loss of social benefit – there are many social benefits of the trail – Note that Councillors can decide to object based on social factors
  • what are the costs to council – where can that be better spent?
  • damage to roads – the Pyreness Hwy has subsidence already from heavy trucks and gravel roads will be under more pressure;
  • intensive farming is better located on poorer quality land, not this prime agricultural land;
  • the rail trail is required to present an indigenous cultural heritage report, but it seems these developments do not.

Note: CMRTs position is not about personal views of factory farming.